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IELTS Speaking Part 3 Questions

Speaking Part 3 Questions (2024)

June 30, 202314 min read


By Topic


  • What kinds of businesses are common in your country right now?

  • Is it important for children to study subjects such as business studies at school?

  • Why do some people want to start their own business while others prefer to be an employee?

  • What are the disadvantages of running your own business?

  • What kind of attributes should a successful business person have?

  • How can successful business people help the societies they live in?


  • What kinds of clothes are popular in your country right now?

  • Do you think that clothes are too expensive these days?

  • Do you think the kinds of clothes we wear will change very much in the future?

  • Why do some people care a lot about how they dress while others care less?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having to wear a uniform for a job?

  • What might it be like to work as a fashion designer?


  • What are some of the main environmental issues in your country?

  • Who do you think cares more about environmental issues, older people or younger people?

  • In the future, do you think more people or fewer people will care about the environment?

  • What can parents do to teach their children to care for the environment?

  • Do you agree that we need to change how we live in order to protect the environment?

  • What can people do to make sure the streets where they live are clean?


  • When do people normally give and receive gifts in your country?

  • Do you think that money is a good gift?

  • Do you think it’s acceptable to refuse a gift?

  • Have the types of gifts that people buy for each other changed over the years?

  • What are the best gifts that you could give to a child?

  • What are the most useful things that a person could donate to charity?

The Internet

  • What are the most popular social media websites in your country?

  • How do older generations of people use the internet compared to younger generations?

  • Are there any disadvantages to having a smartphone?

  • Do you think that people will continue to use social media in the future?

  • Do you think the Internet should be free to use for everyone?

  • Should parents place restrictions on how their children use the internet?


  • What are the most popular kinds of movies in your country?

  • Do you think that parents should allow their children to watch whatever movies they like?

  • Do you think that people who work in the movie industry earn too much money?

  • Why do some people prefer reading books instead of watching movies?

  • In the future, do you think more people or fewer people will watch movies at the cinema?

  • What things can movies teach us about history?


  • What kind of music is popular in your country right now?

  • What are the advantages of learning how to play a musical instrument?

  • Does people’s taste in music change as they get older?

  • What might it be like to work as a professional musician?

  • How has the way people listen to music changed over the last few years?

  • In what ways can music bring people together?


  • What things can people do to be more organised in their lives?

  • Why do some people like to plan everything while others prefer to improvise?

  • Do you agree that older people tend to be more organised than younger people?

  • Is it important to plan what you are going to do at the weekend?

  • Are there any disadvantages to being very organised?

  • Has technology made people more organised or less organised?


  • What are popular books in your country?

  • Do you think that people read more in the past compared to now?

  • What are the advantages of reading digital books?

  • What might it be like to work as a professional writer?

  • Is it important to read fiction books?

  • How can parents encourage their children to read more?


  • Is it important to be friends with the people you work or study with?

  • What things can managers do to promote good teamwork at work?

  • Why do some people like to have lots of friends while others prefer to only have a few?

  • Do older generations of people make friends in the same way that younger generations do?

  • Do you think it’s possible for two people to be good friends even if they don’t have much in common?

  • Is it possible to be good friends with someone if you’ve never met in person?


  • What are the most important things that a good restaurant should have?

  • What are the advantages of eating in a restaurant rather than eating at home?

  • Why do some people prefer to make food at home rather than eat in restaurants?

  • Do you think that restaurants will be more popular or less popular in the future?

  • What could restaurants do to reduce the amount of food that gets wasted?

  • What might it be like to be a restaurant manager?


  • What kinds of things do younger people in your country like buying when they go shopping?

  • Why do some people enjoy shopping as a hobby?

  • What can shops do to make sure that they have good customer service?

  • Is it important for a shop to look nice?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

  • In the future, do you think that people will buy more things from online sellers from different countries?


  • What is the most popular sport in your country?

  • What are the advantages of teaching children how to play sports?

  • Do you think that professional athletes deserve to earn a lot of money?

  • What can professional athletes do to help society?

  • Do you think being a professional athlete would be a difficult job?

  • In the future, do you think that esports (online gaming) will be the most popular sports for spectators?

Stress / Relaxation

  • What things do people normally do to relax in your country?

  • Is it important to relax in the evenings?

  • How do younger people like to relax and how do older people like to relax?

  • Do you think that life is more stressful or less stressful than it was in the past?

  • Would you accept a job that is very stressful but very well paid?

  • How can parents help children to avoid feeling stressed?


  • What kinds of technological devices are common in people’s homes in your country?

  • Do you think that children should be taught how to design software, applications, and websites at school?

  • Who do you think is better at using new technology, older people or younger people?

  • What new technological devices might become common in the future?

  • Why do some people spend a lot of money on new technology?

  • How can technology be used to help society?

Trying new things

  • Why do some people like trying new things?

  • Is it important to try new things?

  • How can teachers encourage children to try new activities?

  • Is it better for workers to learn to do a wide variety of tasks in their jobs or just to specialise on one thing?

  • Do you think that businesses like sports clubs or music academies should allow new members to use their services for free before they join?

  • How can instructors and teachers in places like sports clubs or music academies help beginners feel comfortable?


  • What activities do people in your country do on Friday and Saturday evenings?

  • Do you agree that it’s important to rest at the weekend?

  • Has the way that people spend their weekends changed over the last few years?

  • What are the advantages of staying at home on the weekends rather than going out?

  • What kinds of things do older people like to do when they go out on the weekends?

  • Should there be more free activities for young people to do on the weekends?


  • What are the most common jobs in your country?

  • Do you think it’s important to work very hard?

  • What kinds of jobs should receive the best pay?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing an outdoor job?

  • In the future do you think that most people will be able to work from home?

  • What can teachers do to help young people find jobs when they finish school?

By Question Type

What are popular ... in your country?

  • What are the most common jobs in your country?

  • What activities do people in your country do on Friday and Saturday evenings?

  • What kinds of technological devices are common in people’s homes in your country?

  • What is the most popular sport in your country?

  • What are popular books in your country?

  • What kind of music is popular in your country right now?

  • What are the most popular kinds of movies in your country?

  • What are the most popular social media websites in your country?

  • When do people normally give and receive gifts in your country?

  • What are some of the main environmental issues in your country?

  • What kinds of clothes are popular in your country right now?

  • What kinds of businesses are common in your country right now?

Why do some people … ?

  • Why do some people like trying new things?

  • Why do some people spend a lot of money on new technology?

  • What things do people normally do to relax in your country?

  • Why do some people enjoy shopping as a hobby?

  • Why do some people prefer to make food at home rather than eat in restaurants?

  • Why do some people like to have lots of friends while others prefer to only have a few?

  • Do you think it’s possible for two people to be good friends even if they don’t have much in common?

  • Why do some people like to plan everything while others prefer to improvise?

  • Why do some people prefer reading books instead of watching movies?

  • Why do some people care a lot about how they dress while others care less?

  • Why do some people want to start their own business while others prefer to be an employee?

How important … / is it important … ?

  • Do you think it’s important to work very hard?

  • Is it important to try new things?

  • Is it important to relax in the evenings?

  • Is it important for a shop to look nice?

  • What are the most important things that a good restaurant should have?

  • Is it important to be friends with the people you work or study with?

  • Is it important to read fiction books?

  • Is it important to plan what you are going to do at the weekend?

  • Is it important for children to study subjects such as business studies at school?

Comparing the past to present

  • Has the way that people spend their weekends changed over the last few years?

  • Do you think that life is more stressful or less stressful than it was in the past?

  • Do you think movies were better in the past or are they better now?

  • Do you think that people read more in the past compared to now?

  • Has technology made people more organised or less organised?

  • How has the way people listen to music changed over the last few years?

  • Have the types of gifts that people buy for each other changed over the years?

Speculating about the future

  • In the future do you think that most people will be able to work from home?

  • What new technological devices might become common in the future?

  • In the future, do you think that esports (online gaming) will be the most popular sports for spectators?

  • In the future, do you think that people will buy more things from online sellers from different countries?

  • Do you think that restaurants will be more popular or less popular in the future?

  • In the future, do you think more people or fewer people will watch movies at the cinema?

  • Do you think that people will continue to use social media in the future?

  • In the future, do you think more people or fewer people will care about the environment?

What are the advantages / disadvantages of … ?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of doing an outdoor job?

  • What are the advantages of staying at home on the weekends rather than going out?

  • What are the advantages of teaching children how to play sports?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

  • What are the advantages of eating in a restaurant rather than eating at home?

  • What are the advantages of reading digital books?

  • Are there any disadvantages to being very organised?

  • What are the advantages of learning how to play a musical instrument?

  • Are there any disadvantages to having a smartphone?

  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of having to wear a uniform for a job?

  • What are the disadvantages of running your own business?

Do you think/agree that … ?

  • Do you agree that it’s important to rest at the weekend?

  • Do you think that professional athletes deserve to earn a lot of money?

  • Do you think it’s possible for two people to be good friends even if they don’t have much in common?

  • Is it possible to be good friends with someone if you’ve never met in person?

  • Do you think that people who work in the movie industry earn too much money?

  • Do you think the Internet should be free to use for everyone?

  • Do you think it’s acceptable to refuse a gift?

  • Do you think that money is a good gift?

  • Do you agree that we need to change how we live in order to protect the environment?

  • Do you think the kinds of clothes we wear will change very much in the future?

  • Do you think that clothes are too expensive these days?

  • What's the best weather for outdoor activities?

What could be done to help society … ?

  • How can technology be used to help society?

  • What can professional athletes do to help society?

  • In what ways can music bring people together?

  • What are the most useful things that a person could donate to charity?

  • What can people do to make sure the streets where they live are clean?

  • How can successful business people help the societies they live in?

  • What things can movies teach us about history?

Questions comparing generations (young(er) people / old(er) people)

  • What kinds of things do older people like to do when they go out on the weekends?

  • Who do you think is better at using new technology, older people or younger people?

  • How do younger people like to relax and how do older people like to relax?

  • What kinds of things do younger people in your country like buying when they go shopping?

  • Do older generations of people make friends in the same way that younger generations do?

  • Do you agree that older people tend to be more organised than younger people?

  • Does people’s taste in music change as they get older?

  • How do older generations of people use the internet compared to younger generations?

  • Who do you think cares more about environmental issues, older people or younger people?

Government or Company Policy/Best Practices

  • What things can managers do to promote good teamwork at work?

  • What can shops do to make sure that they have good customer service?

  • How can instructors and teachers in places like sports clubs or music academies help beginners feel comfortable?

  • What could restaurants do to reduce the amount of food that gets wasted?

  • What things can people do to be more organised in their lives?

Speculating about aspects of jobs

  • What kinds of jobs should receive the best pay?

  • Is it better for workers to learn to do a wide variety of tasks in their jobs or just to specialise on one thing?

  • Would you accept a job that is very stressful but very well paid?

  • Do you think being a professional athlete would be a difficult job?

  • What might it be like to be a restaurant manager?

  • What might it be like to work as a professional writer?

  • What might it be like to work as a professional musician?

  • What might it be like to work as a fashion designer?

  • What kind of attributes should a successful business person have?

Talking about cost / value / if things should be free

  • Do you think that businesses like sports clubs or music academies should allow new members to use their services for free before they join?

  • Should there be more free activities for young people to do on the weekends?

Educating young people / parenting / raising children

  • What can teachers do to help young people find jobs when they finish school?

  • How can teachers encourage children to try new activities?

  • Do you think that children should be taught how to design software, applications, and websites at school?

  • How can parents help children to avoid feeling stressed?

  • How can parents encourage their children to read more?

  • Do you think that parents should allow their children to watch whatever movies they like?

  • Should parents place restrictions on how their children use the internet?

  • What are the best gifts that you could give to a child?

  • What can parents do to teach their children to care for the environment?

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